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Kemper Library: Eaton Hall

Welcome to our library!

Our students in middle school come to the library regularly with their English classes for library lessons and book checkout. Students may also come before and after school to select books. Research skills are continually practiced as classes in different subject areas come to the library to work on a variety of projects. 

Did you know?

  • Parents are welcome to come and check out books from our library. Stop by after school anytime - Mrs. Holley is happy to help you find what you need!
  • Checkout time is for two weeks, although books may be renewed at any time. There are no fines for overdue books. 
  • The library is open from 8:00-4:30 each day. 
  • You will need a password for our subscription databases. Please see the password list. 

Kemper Library Catalog

Other Library Catalogs

Library Cards - Roanoke Valley Libraries

General Research

World Book Timelines

Reading Recommendations

Holocaust Research


Civics, History, Government Interactives using Primary Sources (from Library of Congress)





Family History/Genealogy

Coding & Computer Science



Digital Media



Issues & Controversies

Open Access eBooks


Learn a New Language!

eBooks & Audiobooks

Interesting Sites to Browse

Online Learning & Homework Help

Keyboarding Practice

Research Occupations

Business & Economics